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[7] An example of the apparent inability of the Government to do anything thoroughly or courageously is found in a circular letter to shopkeepers and wholesale firms, which was lately sent out by the Home Secretary and the President of the Board of Trade. The object of this enquiry—undertaken at leisure刘允若 , nine months after the outbreak of war—is to obtain information as to the number of men of military age, who are still employed in these particular trades山药藤 , and as to the willingness of their employers to spare them if required舒珊卫生巾 , and to reinstate them at the end of the war, etc., etc.The timid futility of this attempt at organising the resources of the country is shown first by the fact that it left to the option of each employer whether he will reply or not. Businesses which do not wish to have their employees taken away need not give an answer. It is compulsory for individuals to disclose all particulars of their income; why麻料鸟叫声 , therefore, need Government shrink from making it compulsory upon firms to disclose all particulars of their staffs伊呀嫣 ? ... The second vice of this application is that the information asked for is quite inadequate for the object. Even if the enquiry were answered faithfully by every employer and householder in the country, it would not give the Government what they require for the purposes of organising industry or recruiting the army.... In the third place四书五经六艺 , a certain group of trades is singled out at haphazard. If it is desired to organise the resources of the country what is needed is a general census of all males between 16 and 60.One does not know whether to marvel most at the belated timorousness of this enquiry, or at the slatternly way in which it has been framed.[8] One who is no longer alive—Queen Victoria—would possibly have hated it even more. Imagine her late Majesty's feelings on seeing the walls of Windsor plastered with the legend—'Be a sport: Join to-day'—and with other appeals of the same elevating character! ... But perhaps the poster which is more remarkable than any other—considering the source from which it springs—is one showing a garish but recognisable portrait of Lord Roberts, with the motto, 'He did his duty. Will you do yours玉竹兰葛茶 ?' If the timidity of politicians is apparent in certain directions, their courage is no less noteworthy in others. The courage of a Government (containing as it xnygfk,does Mr. Asquith亢龙锏 , Lord Haldane, Mr. Runciman, Sir John Simon, Mr. Harcourt, and Mr. Acland—not to mention others) wmyyxc,which can issue such a poster must be of a very high order indeed. One wonders, however蔡八斗, if this placard would not be more convincing, qqyyma,and its effect even greater祭父文 , were the motto amplified, so as to tell the whole story: "He did his duty; we denounced him for fumuketang,doing it. We failed to do ours; will you雪碧加盐,韩世雅 however苏丽珂 , do yours?"rehoon_1卢新宇 ,[9] This aspect is very cogently stated in Mr. Shaw Sparrow's letter to the Westminster Gazette quoted on pp. 370-371.
